A Natural Solution for Depression and Anxiety

Jun 01, 2018

Anxiety and Depression are Not Drug Deficiencies

It seems like every couple months we are witnessing another catastrophe. School, mall, workplace, and movie theater shootings along with bombings of innocent people are becoming more common place these days. 20 years ago, these horrendous crimes were unheard of. There is an obvious problem and an underlying issue that we are facing and it all stems from too many people being disconnected from reality.

Unfortunately, instead of identifying and dealing with the cause we continue to put the blame on gun laws and a lack of security. We avoid the real issue and that is that the majority of these cases involve a history of depression and/or anxiety and heavy use of medication.

It is also well known, that antidepressants are not much better than that of a placebo, and the side effects (especially if not weaned appropriately) can be very severe.

The research shows there is little reason to prescribe medication for moderate depression or anxiety. It just doesn’t work, and it is very dangerous. We need to stop thinking that the problem is steaming from a deficiency of medication. We must take a step back and look at the situation from a proactive instead of a reactive standpoint.

Instead of “how can we treat or cure the issue”, we need to ask ourselves “what is the cause and how can we prevent depression and anxiety in the first place.”

Where Is This Coming From?

It is in my professional opinion that depression and anxiety are more than just a label or a disease that stems from our genetic makeup. Depression and anxiety are expressions of our lifestyle and how we handle stress. They are imbalances of the central nervous system that causes a physiological stress response which is then expressed in the form of depression (dwelling on the past) and anxiety (fear of the future).

It all begins with more STRESS than we can handle which activates and overloads the HPA axis (hypothalamus / pituitary/ adrenal) and in turn locks on the sympathetic fight/flight response and leads to a condition called Subluxation.

To help understand the ins and outs of why we are seeing more and more mood disorders, I would like to explain how the endocrine system is also affected by more stress than a person can adapt to.

There are three glands that are affected by stress that in turn can disrupt function and will lead to many of “mood disorders” that are being treated with medication: the adrenals, the thyroid and the pituitary.

The adrenal glands are your stress glands and they are a part of the fight/flight system. They help in many areas: releasing adrenalin and cortisol to help in protection, regulating blood sugar and blood pressure, producing hormones, balancing mineral levels, and assisting the body in dealing with all types of stress. When the adrenal glands are overworked and overburdened though poor lifestyle habits (emotional, mental, chemical and physical stress), they become burnt out or fatigued, which is commonly referred to as “adrenal fatigue”. As a survival mechanism, the thyroid gland is called on to do what it can to take up the slack.

Unfortunately, we are not helping the thyroid these days with poor nutrition and chemicals (fluoride, lack of iodine, soy and corn oil, heavy metals, etc.) as well as Subluxation at the base of the neck from poor posture known as anterior head carriage which I call computer or “text neck”, where incidentally, the thyroid is innervated.

Eventually, the thyroid which plays a role in metabolism and weight regulation becomes exhausted and fatigued (which contributes to the increase in obesity and hyper and hypo thyroid conditions) and now you have two glands that are dysfunctional. When both the adrenals and the thyroid become fatigued and overworked to the point of exhaustion, the pituitary or “master gland” is called on to release “stimulating” hormones to try to boost the endocrine system to get it functioning again. At that point, there is NO way the pituitary can keep up, especially when the nerves innervating the pituitary (upper cervical/neck) are also Subluxated from poor posture, accidents, birth trauma, vaccines, chemicals, etc., leaving the pituitary weak to begin with.

The effects of Subluxation (blown fuse) on the upper cervical spine.

When your glands are NOT producing hormones and there is a chemical imbalance, it will directly affect mood and demeanor. That imbalance, which stems from stress and Subluxation, can be expressed in many ways such as anxiety, depression, ADD/ADHD, and bipolar, mood and behavior disorders.

Another side note for those who have an overstressed and Subluxated nervous system that leads to hormone imbalance, is that it can also directly tie into headaches, fatigue, irritability, poor metabolism, obesity, the craving for sugar and many other addictions and substance abuse.

Chiropractic Can Help Break the Cycle

Chiropractic wellness can help with depression and anxiety by addressing the stressors that are causing the neurological imbalance which leads to a disruption of endocrine function. Furthermore, if subluxation exists, chiropractic care will remove the subluxations and allow the body to find balance and optimal function so that it can begin the healing process.

If you are looking for a natural solution for depression and anxiety, get your endocrine system back on track by rebalancing your nervous system through improving your lifestyle and by having your nervous system evaluated by a chiropractor.

Remove the Subluxation with safe, effective, specific adjustments. Don’t wait till problems get worse, set up an appointment today!

Dr. K.D. McCurley Balanced Life Wellness

Chiropractor 12A Boardwalk Pl

Seneca, SC 29678

Phone: 864-723-3055

Website: balancedlifewell.com

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